Digital Infrastructure Investment: Session One Preview

Broadband Breakfast’s Digital Infrastructure Investment conference will kick off with a panel on Last Mile Digital Infrastructure.  As ownership models continue to evolve, panelists will discuss who will play the lead role in constructing this infrastructure, what entities, including cities, will ow

Digital Infrastructure Investment: Session One Preview
Photo of FCC Commissioner Anna Gomez at Thursday's event

Broadband Breakfast’s Digital Infrastructure Investment conference will kick off with a panel on Last Mile Digital Infrastructure.

As ownership models continue to evolve, panelists will discuss who will play the lead role in constructing this infrastructure, what entities, including cities, will own digital assets, and who will manage the networks.

Experts on digital infrastructure investment will discuss the emerging open access model, including the pros and cons both from a technological and financial perspective.

Open access networks allow one entity to own the utility-like infrastructure component, another entity to operate the network, and still other parties to provide a range of advanced broadband internet services. These networks can effectively lower the cost of a capital-intensive network infrastructure building process.

But in low threshold neighborhoods, developing necessary digital infrastructure may not have a significant return on investment, potentially necessitating government funding or cross-subsidization.

The session will be moderated by Christopher Mitchell, Director of the Community Broadband Networks, Institute for Local Self Reliance. Chis is one of the county’s most knowledgeable observers about municipal broadband and open access networks. Panelists will include Roger Timmerman, CEO, UTOPIA Fiber, Monica Webb, Director of Market Development and Government Affairs, Ting Internet, and others

Join us on August 10 at 1:00 p.m. ET for the beginning of something big: Digital Infrastructure Investment’s session on Last Mile Digital Infrastructure.

Digital Infrastructure Investment is sponsored by UTOPIA Fiber and SiFi Networks.

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