The National Broadband Network in Australia Begins to Take Root

Broadband Breakfast Insight: The Australian National Broadband Network is a massive undertaking: An open access network infrastructure build, with competing retail internet service providers offering service. It’s been controversial, but is beginning to get more established in the country.-> Does th

Broadband Breakfast Insight: The Australian National Broadband Network is a massive undertaking: An open access network infrastructure build, with competing retail internet service providers offering service. It’s been controversial, but is beginning to get more established in the country.->

Does the National Broadband Network work?: From the Weekend Australian

It’s a huge drain on the nation’s finances and a source of political division and grandstanding. But Australia’s National Broadband Network is starting to pay dividends for some everyday users.

More than one million premises have the NBN and 3.4 million premises are ready to receive it. The network is 30 per cent complete in terms of premises that can order a service and NBN is on track to meet its 2020 target, its chief executive Bill Morrow says.

Some consumers can’t speak more highly of it, others live in internet purgatory. They wage frustrating battles with installers who fail to keep appointments, they find their equipment is inadequate after installation or, despite living in an NBN-ready area, discover during installation that infrastructure is missing.

The just-released Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman annual report cites a doubling in complaints about the NBN from July last year to July this year. New complaints about faults with NBN services jumped by 147.8 per cent and complaints about NBN connections rose by 63.2 per cent. NBN complaints represent 11.9 per cent of new complaints to the ­ombudsman.


Source: Does the National Broadband Network work?

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