Three Democratic Senators Press for Action on Network Neutrality

WASHINGTON, November 30, 2010 – Three Democratic senators on Tuesday sent a letter to the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission urging him to “guarantee network neutrality” by the end of the year.

WASHINGTON, November 30, 2010 – Three Democratic senators on Tuesday sent a letter to the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission urging him to “guarantee network neutrality” by the end of the year.

Sens. John Kerry of Massachusetts, Ron Wyden of Oregon and Byron Dorgan of North Dakota told the chairman that the FCC “can provide the certainty necessary for policymakers, consumers, investors and innovators that the internet remain an open network.”

They urged Chairman Julius Genachowski to conclude the agency’s “open internet” proceeding in December.

“Yet, while time consuming, we think the deliberation and discourse has moved the center of opinion within the community of experts, industry and advocates to a principled compromise that is sustainable and will work,” they wrote.

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