Energy & Innovation

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Why It Matters

America's Energy Infrastructure and Smart Cities rely upon innovation and better broadband.

Advanced Energy - Broadband Breakfast
The infrastructure necessary for advanced energy also powers the infrastructure necessary for high-speed internet.
American Energy
American energy production has increased substantially over the past few years.
Nuclear Energy is potentially ready for a revival in the Trump 47 Administration.
Data Center
Data Centers and Cloud Computing rely upon robust and high-speed upload and download internet speeds.
Smart Cities - Broadband Breakfast
Cities of the future rely on high-speed internet access and advanced fiber and wireless connectivity.
Drones - Broadband Breakfast
Drones and airborne transportation are one of many advances to come for smart cities and communities.
Autonomous Vehicles - Broadband Breakfast
Self-driving cars are one of many advances to come for smart cities and communities.
Free Speech - Broadband Breakfast
Debates about the role of free speech have been transformed by broadband internet services.
Social Media - Broadband Breakfast
Social media plays a powerful force in the lives of most adults and teenagers.
Section 230 - Broadband Breakfast
Section 230 is sometimes called the 26 words that created the internet.
Antitrust - Broadband Breakfast
Antitrust has been re-invigorated by concern over the power of big technology, media and telecom companies.

Special Topics

Premium Reports - Broadband Breakfast
The Broadband Breakfast Club produces exclusive reports for Breakfast Club Members.
State Broadband Pages
Get a snapshot view of broadband initiatives in every state, district and territory.
Expert Opinion - Broadband Breakfast
Send Expert Opinions to The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Broadband Breakfast or Breakfast Media LLC. All Expert Opinions are FREE for all readers.
Broadband Live - Broadband Breakfast
Broadband Breakfast Live Online is a FREE broadband news webcast on broadband technology and internet policy. It takes place every Wednesday at 12 Noon ET. #broadbandlive

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