New York Releases BEAD Prequalification Requirements
The prequalification application process will open on June 21.
Teralyn Whipple

June 10, 2024 – New York Gov. Kathy Hochul released the state’s Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment program prequalification application requirements on Thursday.
The state’s ConnectALL initiative’s deployment program prequalification application will establish the threshold qualifications of all prospective applicants prior to the release of the program’s request for applications expected in the fall.
The prequalification application process for the ConnectALL Deployment Program is set to open on June 21. Successful applicants that are prequalified during this process will be eligible to apply for grant funding through the program request for applications.
“Affordable, reliable broadband is an absolute necessity for New Yorkers looking to get an education, access vital government resources and participate in a 21st century economy,” Hochul said. “We are issuing these guidelines now to give applicants a running start in accessing critical broadband funding that will get more New Yorkers online and expand high-speed internet statewide.”
Prequalification process will assess prospective grantee’s financial, managerial, and technical qualifications, as well as the experience and capacity of the entities to deploy last mile broadband.
New York’s broadband office encouraged all program applicants to complete this prequalification process prior to submitting an RFA response.
The ConnectALL initiative, New York’s largest investment in broadband connectivity, is intended to close the digital divide in the state and “transform digital infrastructure and allocates $1 billion to that end. It oversees the Digital Equity program, $50 million to improve digital literacy and digital job readiness skills, and the Affordable Housing Connectivity Program which invests $100 million from the Capital Projects Fund.