NTIA Grants Rhode Island BEAD Initial Proposal Approval
The state was allocated $108 million BEAD funds.
Taormina Falsitta

July 17, 2024 – Volume two of Rhode Island’s Initial Proposal for the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment was approved by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Wednesday.
Rhode Island was allocated $108 million through BEAD in June 2023. The program requires that states submit an initial proposal, consisting of two volumes, prior to receiving access to the full funds. Volume one outlines the state’s broadband coverage map challenges. Volume two outlines the state’s subgrantee selection process.
“Getting more and more Rhode Islanders online is how we take our state forward," said Rhode Island Gov. Dan McKee. He added that the BEAD initiative “allows us to better connect underserved communities and can revolutionize the way we teach our students, support our small businesses, and keep our state healthy.”
The Infrastructure, Investment and Jobs Act’s BEAD program allocates $42.5 billion among states and territories to fund broadband expansion in areas that lack adequate connectivity. States submitted proposals for implementing the program to the NTIA last year and the agency is in the process of reviewing and approving those plans.
On July 2, Rhode Island issued a request for proposals for state broadband investments of $25 million to improve service to an estimated 6,700 locations across the state. The money comes from the Capital Projects Fund and is intended to improve speed, resilience and affordability of the networks.