Social Media
Must Internet Platforms Host Objectionable Content? Appeals Courts Consider ‘Must Carry’ Rules
Court decisions on Texas and Florida “must-carry” laws disagreed on whether online platforms should be regulated as common carriers.
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Social Media
Court decisions on Texas and Florida “must-carry” laws disagreed on whether online platforms should be regulated as common carriers.
Ali Sternburg
The Supreme Court will soon hear two blockbuster cases asking if tech companies can be held liable for terrorist content on their platforms.
WASHINGTON, March 12, 2020 – Although countless universities and school districts are shutting their doors to students and turning to online schooling during the outbreak of the coronavirus, education experts say the move to online classes is a reactionary, not a robust adoption of online resources.
Broadband's Impact
Pro-tech advocates changed more minds than their anti-tech counterparts at a Silicon Flatirons debate on Sunday. Pro-tech and anti-tech advocates engaged in an Oxford-style debate at the Silicon Flatirons conference, “Technology Optimism and Pessimism” at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Both
WASHINGTON, October 16, 2019 – The chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday said that technology companies need to “step up” and better address challenges surrounding online content. If not, they will likely have to navigate a world in which Section 230 of the Communication D
Broadband's Impact
WASHINGTON, May 15, 2012 – The increasing prevalence on high-speed internet is beginning to have a major effort on universities and they way that they approach the creation and dissemination of the “content” created in higher education, said panelists speaking at a special event of BroadbandBreakfas
WASHINGTON, March 24, 2011 – Comcast announced the retirement Wednesday of its long-time senior vice president of external affairs and public policy counsel, Joe Waz.