Expert Opinion
Chicago Quantum Corridor Nourishes Neighborhood Transformation in AI World
The Quantum Corridor on Chicago's South Side is designed to expand American competitiveness in the 21st century world.
Expert Opinion
The Quantum Corridor on Chicago's South Side is designed to expand American competitiveness in the 21st century world.
On Tuesday, the non-profit Benton Foundation officially renamed itself the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society, elevating the institution’s focus of ensuring that the benefits of advanced broadband networks are felt in every corner of the country. “All Americans should have access to competitiv
EVANSTON, Illinois, January 30, 2017 – Benton Foundation CEO Adrianne Furniss on Monday sent the following letter to to President Donald Trump and leaders both in Congress and at the Federal Communications Commission. She wrote: Just as ten years ago when Benton Foundation Founder Charles Benton cal
Breakfast Club
WASHINGTON, October 22, 2010 – Now that all of the broadband stimulus funding has been distributed, its effectiveness can now be evaluated. That was the message at the Broadband Breakfast Club on Tuesday, October 19. Video of the event was released on Friday. While the long term value of the stimulu
When Washington thinks about the “broadband stimulus,” what should it remember? The federal government spent nearly $7 billion on new, broadband-related activities, that in many respects were completely unlike traditional federal telecommunications spending on telephone service. Tomorrow’s Broadban
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON, October 14, 2010 – The internet and intellectual property news service BroadbandBreakfast.com announces the second event in its Fall 2010 – 2011 Broadband Breakfast Club series, “Evaluating the Broadband Stimulus.”
WASHINGTON, November 16, 2009 – A working group of the non-profit U.S. Broadband Coalition on Friday released a report in which the group called for the federal government to “play an active role in stimulating adoption and use of advanced broadband connections.” The group, one of six committees of
Broadband Mapping and Data
ARLINGTON, Va., September 28, 2009 – “Beer and Broadband Mapping” was the informal name appended to a spirited and lively discussion that capped the first day of the Telecommunications Policy Research Conference here at George Mason School of Law on Friday, September 25.
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON, September 24, 2009 – A national broadband strategy must take steps to stimulate adoption and use of technology at a variety of levels, said a report by the U.S. Broadband Coalition, which presented the report at the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday.
WASHINGTON, April 4, 2009 – Among the commentators weighing in on the Commerce Department’s broadband technologies grants on April 1, several suggested that programs should be able to meet multiple needs as part of the $7.2 billion in broadband stimulus funds being offered.
WASHINGTON, January 10, 2009 – The National Broadband Strategy “Call to Action” on Friday announced the co-chairs of six working groups that are seeking to craft national policies to help promote universal broadband throughout the United States.