SCOTUS: False Claims Act Applies to E-Rate
But the justices didn't rule on the question of whether all E-Rate funds are government cash.
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But the justices didn't rule on the question of whether all E-Rate funds are government cash.
Chevron Doctrine
'The Supreme Court’s overturning of Chevron undermines our government’s ability to promote worker safety, ensure clean air and water, and protect consumers,' said Sen. Warren.
Social Media
Justices did not rule on the merits of the cases, but made clear they think the laws were unlikely to survive.
Randy May
The decision could have a big impact on two pending cases involving the Federal Communications Commission, including net neutrality.
Supreme Court
Justices Roberts, Kavanaugh and Barrett seemed skeptical of the constitutionality of the Florida and Texas laws.
Section 230
A wide range of tech industry associations and civil liberties advocates applauded the decision to leave Section 230 untouched.
Section 230
Panelists discussed the recent oral arguments in Gonzalez v. Google.
Social Media
Many of the arguments in Twitter v. Taamneh hinged on specific interpretations of the Anti-Terrorism Act.
Section 230
‘Section 230 is critical to enabling the digital sector’s efforts to respond to extremist[s],’ said a tech industry supporter.
X (Twitter)
The Supreme Court is preparing to hear two cases related to content moderation and platform liability.
Section 230
The decision resulted in an unusual court split. Justice Kagan sided with Justice Alito but refused to sign his dissent.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said Section 230 needs to be reviewed in light of Facebook case in Texas.
marsha blackburn
Supreme Court Justices call for social media review, aftermath of EU-US trade summit, popular TV program on American tech cancelled.
April 5, 2021—Despite accepting a petition that avoids the Supreme Court deliberating on whether a president can block social media users, Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday issued a volley that may foreshadow future legal issues surrounding social media in the United States. On Monday, the Supreme C
October 16, 2020 – The Federal Communications Commission dove deep into political territory on Thursday by declaring that the agency had authority to rule on questions pertaining to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The move was widely criticized by technology industry and public advoca
July 6, 2020 — The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a ban on unsolicited robocalls to cell phones with their Monday ruling on Barr v. the American Association of Political Consultants. The court expanded the ban to additionally prohibit robocalls from political consultants and debt collectors. The American