Union Association Requests Congress Attach Hiring Strings to Federal Broadband Dollars
The Communications Workers of America wants provisions in broadband bills barring hiring of subcontractors.
Read up on Energy and Data Centers for the Data Center Summit on March 27
The Communications Workers of America wants provisions in broadband bills barring hiring of subcontractors.
WASHINGTON, November 14. 2019- Despite the approval of the T-Mobile-Sprint merger by the Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Justice, 16 state attorneys general are still determined to block the acquisition. Policy experts at Thursday’s Capitol Forum conference advocated both the
“T-Mobile’s parent Deutsche Telekom is not in a position to finance the necessary large scale investments in the U.S. for T-Mobile to remain competitive.” – T-Mobile CEO Phillip Humm, sworn U.S. Senate testimony, May 11, 2011 WASHINGTON, May 26, 2011 – Let’s start with the facts. A stand-alone