Defining Community Anchor Institutions to Be Focal Point for BEAD Deployment: Observers
States can customize the definition to fit specific needs.
On March 27, Data Center Summit for $195; Webinar option for $95
States can customize the definition to fit specific needs.
55 percent of people surveyed were not confident in their ability to use the internet, a study found.
Biden-Harris Administration
January 22, 2021—The Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition released its 2021 Policy Roadmap on Thursday—an agenda to promote open, affordable, high-quality broadband to anchor institutions—as these establishments are key to connecting the estimated 42 million Americans without internet acc
WASHINGTON, May 30, 2014 – The president’s chief adviser on telecommunications, the head of the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration, on Thursday heralded the first of a series of workshops designed to find ways to “build on the momentum of our successful
WASHINGTON, June 6, 2013 – President Barack Obama announced a new plan – dubbed ConnectEd – to expand ultra high-speed broadband access to nearly all schools in the country during a speech at Mooreville Middle School in North Carolina this afternoon. The initiative, entitled ConnectEd, aims to bring