T-Mobile Sues WCO Spectrum for Allegedly Artificially Inflating Spectrum Leasing Prices for Profit
A whistleblower exposed WCO Spectrum scheme estimated to cost T-Mobile $10 million, T-Mobile claims.
On March 27, Data Center Summit for $195; Webinar option for $95
A whistleblower exposed WCO Spectrum scheme estimated to cost T-Mobile $10 million, T-Mobile claims.
WASHINGTON, January 14, 2020 – Federally-recognized Indian tribes will have a six-month priority window, beginning February 3, in which to apply for access to the radio frequency spectrum available at 2.5 GigaHertz (GHz). At a workshop at the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday, Chairman Aj
Education Department
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2019 — Ignoring recommendations from the Department of Education, several members of Congress, and various broadband advocates, the Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 on Wednesday to hold commercial auctions for unused portions of the 2.5 Gigahertz spectrum band. The de
Strength-to-Strength Develop-Ed, LLC on Tuesday released a comprehensive report [http://broadbandcensus.com/premium-report-the-wimax-band-25-ghz/] on who holds what licenses and lease rights in the “WiMAX Band” – the 2.5 GigaHertz band used by the Broadband Radio Service (BRS) and Educational Broadb