Bill to Bar FCC from Targeting Broadcasters Over Editorial Content
Democrats say Trump’s FCC is targeting broadcasters for political gain
On March 27, Data Center Summit for $195; Webinar option for $95
Democrats say Trump’s FCC is targeting broadcasters for political gain
Joe Biden
Public interest groups praise White House push for more ACP money.
Broadband Breakfast
These final rules from the FCC bar ISPs from entering into certain exclusive arrangements with landlords of multi-tenant buildings.
Industry officials disagree over how effective mandates are in creating internet provider choice within multitenant residential buildings.
Broadband Breakfast
What options do owners of, operators in, and tenants within MDUs have for better-quality broadband?
Ookla Speedtest, a broadband data aggregator, released a dashboard showing the changes in broadband speeds in every country across the world since March 2, 2020. The dashboard, which shows both fixed and mobile broadband speeds, contains some surprises. The country with the greatest fixed speed chan