Broadband Mapping and Data
WISPA Pushes Back on Calls for Symmetrical Gigabit Broadband Standard
Industry groups are urging FCC to reject long-term symmetrical speed goals.
Broadband Mapping and Data
Industry groups are urging FCC to reject long-term symmetrical speed goals.
Groups say alternative technologies are essential to meet BEAD’s universal broadband goals.
Communications Act.
Regulatory costs will hinder small businesses from competing in the market, WISPA says.
Expert Opinion
The FCC does not allow an ISP defendant to argue that its decision not to provide access to broadband was based on any substantial, legitimate, nondiscriminatory interest.
Communications Act.
Officials said the final order clarifies that anti-throttling rules prohibit speeding up traffic.
At WISPAmerica, wireless ISPs decried impact of the Federal Communications Commission rules.
But they worry a change in FCC data collection could jeopardize BEAD funds for wireless providers.
The group’s policy heads said they are advocating to include unlicensed wireless.
A crucial step would be for the NTIA to provide Buy America waivers for BEAD-funded projects, panelists said.
Trade groups and other organizations disagreed over issues such as spectrum sharing.
The NTIA approved eight more planning grants Monday.
The FCC also mandated that internet service provider labels be machine-readable.
Net Neutrality
April 22, 2020 – Multiple voices weighed in on the Federal Communications Commission’s public notice seeking comment on its prior net neutrality decision, although public interest and some congressional representatives expressed anger at the agency’s refusal to allow additional time for comments. On
WASHINGTON, February 6, 2020 – Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced a reimbursement plan for incumbents offering satellite service in the C-Band in order to facilitate a public auction that is scheduled to begin December 8, 2020, Pai said Thursday. Speaking at the Informatio
WASHINGTON, January 27, 2020 – The FCC on Monday named four companies— Google, Sony, CommScope, and Federated Wireless— as Spectrum Access System administrators, the final step toward full commercial deployment of the 3.5 GigaHertz (GHz) band of wireless frequencies. The Federal Communications Commi