FCC Space Bureau Chief Highlights Role of LEO Satellites in Broadband Expansion
Bureau Chief Jay Schwarz outlined two key priorities: Modernizing licensing systems and ensuring adequate spectrum.
Last call to register in-person or via webinar for Data Center Summit. Breakfast Club Members watch for free!
Bureau Chief Jay Schwarz outlined two key priorities: Modernizing licensing systems and ensuring adequate spectrum.
November 22, 2020 – In the event that the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden seeks substantial funding for broadband infrastructure, there is a strong likelihood that such monies would be channeled through a reverse-auction mechanism, said panelists at the Broadband Breakfast Live
Open Access
August 11, 2020 — Open access infrastructure is crucial, but it is difficult to raise the capital it requires, said participants in Broadband Breakfast’s Digital Infrastructure Investment conference on Monday. The panel on infrastructure investment funds featured a discussion about the challenges an
June 29, 2020 — The National Broadband Plan has been successful, despite notable downsides, said panelists in a Federal Communications Bar Association webinar on Friday. The plan, first released ten years ago, aimed to increase competition, provide lower-cost service to more Americans and decrease r
June 17, 2020 — In a Broadband Breakfast Live Online webcast on Wednesday, panelists explored the impact that current federal funding initiatives will have on broadband access. The webcast previewed a Digital Infrastructure Investment, a Physical/Virtual Event at the Broadband Communities Summit on
National Broadband Plan
WASHINGTON, March 4, 2020 – Panelists at the INCOMPAS policy summit Tuesday looked back with fondness on the Federal Communication Commission’s National Broadband Plan that was released 10 years ago this month. They agreed that if the plan is refreshed, the FCC should not be the lone agency to lead
Amy Klobuchar also focused on broadband mapping and rural connectivity; Joe Biden wants grants to expand access for underserved communities WASHINGTON, October 2, 2019 – Lack of access to high-speed broadband remains a fundamental issue for many Americans. Some of the Democratic presidential candida
Broadband Mapping and Data
The Founder of Broadband Census and Breakfast Breakfast, and the former executive director of the Partnership for a Connected Illinois – one of the State Broadband Initiatives that actually created the National Broadband Map – comments on a growing controversy.
WASHINGTON, June 19, 2019 – At least a half-dozen separate pieces of broadband legislation are working their way through Congress, and panelists assembled by the Schools, Health, and Libraries Broadband Coalition on Wednesday commented on the pros and cons of how these bills would deploy broadband c
February 13, 2019 – The Trump Administration on Wednesday highlighted the importance of enhancing broadband internet service for America, particularly in rural areas, as it promoted a variety of existing federal initiatives under a new brand, the “American Broadband Initiative.” Through the issuance
Broadband Mapping and Data
How Abraham Lincoln's passion for infrastructure improvements led to his belief in equal opportunity.
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON, August 8, 2018 – Experts in broadband data analysis on Tuesday criticized internet service providers for overstating coverage in federal broadband data collection efforts, and for resisting cooperation that could increase network security. At an event commemorating the 10th anniversary o
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON, August 7, 2018 – Many in the broadband industry commenting on broadband availability data exposed the weaknesses of current Federal Communications Commission data – and not only in the data itself but in the process by which it is collected. The Commerce Department’s National Telecommuni
WASHINGTON, August 2, 2018 – The Federal Communications Commission voted to pass the new, so-called “One Touch Make Ready” policy, a measure designed to accelerate pole attachment processes for new broadband deployments. At the agency’s monthly open meeting today, the commissioners voted 3-1 to shif
WASHINGTON, August 2, 2018 – Google Fiber and Verizon split with AT&T and Comcast over the so-called “One-Touch Make-Ready” policy, with the former claiming that the need for faster deployment speeds make the policy essential, and the other side claiming it oversteps existing rules and jurisdiction
PITTSBURGH, July 30, 2018 – Many broadband experts speaking at the Next Century Cities regional summit here said last week that city jurisdiction should take precedence over federal rules in ensuring impactful broadband deployment. The conference highlighted some of these local voices, eager for bro