California Opens BEAD Map Challenge Process

The state's challenge phase will last 30 days.

California Opens BEAD Map Challenge Process
Photo of Los Angeles by Marek Masik

July 10, 2024 – California's challenge phase for the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program officially opened on Monday and will continue through August 6.

During this phase, local and Tribal governments, nonprofits, and internet service providers in the state can challenge the state’s broadband coverage map by submitting evidence that it is not accurate through an online portal. Entities can identify specific locations that may not be accurately represented as unserved, underserved, or served.

The BEAD program requires states to map broadband connectivity and allocate funds to connect all unserved or underserved addresses.

The challenge phase is the first stage in a five-stage, 120-day process to complete broadband coverage maps. The following stages include evidentiary review by the California Public Utilities Commission, rebuttal by challenged service providers, final determination of disputes, and submission of results to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration by the Commission.

California was awarded $1.86 billion through BEAD allocations. It has not yet received NTIA approval of its initial proposal.

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