John Stankey
AT&T Announces $3 Billion Investment to Closing Digital Divide
The company said it will continue to offer an affordable internet service as the Affordable Connectivity Program ends.
John Stankey
The company said it will continue to offer an affordable internet service as the Affordable Connectivity Program ends.
March 17, 2021 – A new antitrust bill by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn, is receiving high praise from current and former commissioners of the Federal Trade Commission for its focus on enhancing resources required to tackle competition issues. “I think we could use more money still,” Noah Phillips, comm
April 2, 2020 – “It’s really unfortunate that it has taken a national emergency, a worldwide pandemic, for people to realize how many people don’t have access to broadband internet,” said Georgetown Law Distinguished Fellow Gigi Sohn on a Broadband Breakfast Live Online event Tuesday. When she testi
March 27, 2020 – Before the coronavirus pandemic, the nation’s dialogue about appropriate screen time was so focused on time instead of substance, said author Lisa Guernsey, speaking during a “Social Distancing Social” hosted by Slate author Dan Kois. Guernsey expressed hope that social distancing a
March 25, 2020 – Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., along with several other colleagues, announced the Keeping Critical Connections Act to help rural America connect to broadband during the coronavirus crisis. “The Keeping Critical Connections Act would help small broadband providers continue offering fre
March 23, 2020 – Speaking in an online forum on Monday, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, expressed frustration with what he regarded as the slow pace of the stimulus relief bill in the Senate. Speaking from his home in Utah, Romney addressed an online forum on Zoom hosted by Silicon Slopes, a technology in
March 23, 2020 – Public Knowledge Senior Vice President Harold Feld takes issue with the Federal Communications Commission’s Keep Americans Connected Pledge—it does not help Americans who do not have broadband and 60 days of no late fees might not be long enough. Feld argues that broadband access is
March 19, 2020 – Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr on Thursday praised the FCC’s emergency efforts to bolster connectivity in light of the coronavirus pandemic now sweeping the United States in a session on Broadband Breakfast Live Online. In a question and answer session with Drew Cl
Twenty-two rural, education and public interest groups sent a letter on Tuesday urging Congress to ensure that the Federal Communications Commission’s plan to reallocate C-Band spectrum benefits rural and low-income Americans who currently do not have broadband access. Congress has “a unique opportu
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2010 – Americans were among the largest group of people visiting South Africa during the World Cup soccer match played in June, according to mobile phone data from Aicent. More than 60 percent of Aicent’s data traffic came from customers of GSM operators in the United States, sa