5G Fund
Trade Group: Users Reject FCC Speed Test App over Privacy
Personal data requirements deter users from using FCC speed test app, CCA says
5G Fund
Personal data requirements deter users from using FCC speed test app, CCA says
fixed wireless
Commissioner Geoffrey Starks argued that expanding connectivity would enable sustainable, environmentally-friendly technologies.
Broadband's Impact
MOUNTAIN VIEW, California – Local broadband institutions seeking to leverage high-speed connectivity for the benefit of their broader communities will benefit from attending the inaugural AnchorNETS conference [http://www.anchornets.com/] here on November 16 and 17. Sponsored by the Schools, Health
WASHINGTON, February 13, 2010 – The snowstorm that shut much of Washington down this past week will not change the due date for Round 2 broadband stimulus applications, nor will it delay the naming of Round 1 winners, federal officials said Friday. Speaking at a “Broadband Stimulus Town Hall Worksh