Federal Subsidies Will Help Maine Connect All Residents, Says Broadband Director
The state is optimistic that multiple sources of funding from federal programs will close the digital divide.
The state is optimistic that multiple sources of funding from federal programs will close the digital divide.
Dish is partnering with IBM for 5G, ConnectMaine’s community broadband grants, Intuit to buy Mailchimp, STL hires Paolo Colella.
A House hearing debated the need for broadband and the higher speed thresholds currently before Congress.
The Federal Communications Commission kicked off its C-Band auction on Tuesday, marking one of the first occasions in which the United States is auctioning off valuable midband spectrum for commercial use. In other countries the midband is well occupied by commercial players. Verizon is projected to
The Federal Communications Commission’s priority window for tribes excluded many native people across the country, said Amerind Project Manager Edyael Casaperalta at an event on the digital divide hosted on Wednesday by Silicon Flatirons. Because there isn’t enough incentive for broadband providers