From 477
Johnny Kampis: Federal Bureaucracy an Impediment to Broadband on Tribal Lands
18% of people living on Tribal lands lack broadband access, compared to 4% of residents in non-tribal areas.
From 477
18% of people living on Tribal lands lack broadband access, compared to 4% of residents in non-tribal areas.
From 477
Crowdsourced and bulk data are subject to a challenge process that has successfully eliminated crowdsourced data in the past.
From 477
Sarah Bleau, Middle Mile Program Director at NTIA, reminded attendees that the Middle Mile program is not for last-mile grants.
From 477
WASHINGTON, September 26, 2019 – Comments on the Federal Communications Commission’s latest effort to improve broadband data collection were due on Monday, and responses to the FCC’s Digital Opportunity Data Collection were largely positive. The order would shift data reporting from the FCC’s 477 fo