CTIA Report Finds Military Systems Can Coexist with 5G in 3 GHz Band
The lower 3 GHz spectrum can be made available for full power wireless based on successful deployment in foreign countries.
The lower 3 GHz spectrum can be made available for full power wireless based on successful deployment in foreign countries.
Joe Biden
Raimondo said U.S. seeks to impose restrictions on the export of microchips to China to combat the county’s influence.
Warner warned China has a head-start on AI regulation.
Expert Opinion
There is a perennial policy debate over why the digital divide exists and what to do about it.
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON, March 27, 2013 – “If we build super-fast networks, the innovators will come,” said Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski on Wednesday, in his first public statements since his announcement last Friday that he would leave the agency in a matter of weeks. While spea
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON July 27, 2010 – Akamai has just released data from its annual State of the Internet Report and the US is falling behind. South Korea has the fastest average maximum speed of 33Mbps, followed by Japan with 26Mbps, Romania with 25Mbos, the US ranks 8th with a speed of 16mbps.
WASHINGTON July 19, 2010 – Nokia Siemans is set to acquire Motorola’s network infrastructure assets for $1.2 billion in cash. The firms will finalize the deal by the end of the year. With the purchase Nokia Siemans will become the “#3 wireless infrastructure vendor in the United States, the #1 forei
WASHINGTON July 7, 2010- EMobile one of Japan’s leading mobile broadband providers has just announced that it will now offer an HSPA network with speeds of 42Mbps.
Broadband's Impact
WASHINGTON, November 4, 2009 – While representatives of countries were scheduled to begin meeting today in Seoul, South Korea, to negotiate a confidential international anti-counterfeiting trade agreement, some public interest and consumer groups continue to press for more transparency of the negoti
The United States is losing ground in innovation sweepstakes to Japan, Denmark and other nations, according to the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. This is mainly because these and other nations have designed and funded federal policies to spur innovation, while America has not, say