Vermont Official Predicts ‘Massive Changes’ to BEAD
Trump’s second presidency could delay buildout.
Ari Bertenthal

WASHINGTON, Nov. 22, 2024 – A top broadband official in the state of Vermont has predicted that changes to the largest federal broadband funding program could be on the way after President-elect Donald Trump takes office Jan. 20, 2025.

“There are going to be some massive changes next year, and we don’t know what that’s going to do,” Vermont Community Broadband Board Executive Director Christine Hallquist said Wednesday in an article in Vermont Public. “Whether it’s saber rattling or not, you know, if the states don’t line up with the Trump agenda, will he withhold federal funds? So, we are in uncharted territory here.”
Hallquist noted delays in the Biden administration’s $42.45 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment program, adding that the state is set to begin accepting applications for funding and that it is just waiting for the federal government to deliver the money.
Hallquist said she is motivating her staff to move as quickly as possible, noting that federal funding cannot be taken back once it has been delivered to the state.
“It will take six or eight months for them to get their act together, so our goal is to be as disciplined as possible, and it’s more important than ever because we want to get under contract before anyone takes the money back,” Hallquist said. “We’re making sure we dot every 'I' and cross every 'T,' but that might not be enough.”
Vermont was awarded $229 million in BEAD funds by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the body that oversees the BEAD program.