12 Days: For State Broadband Offices, 2023 Was All About BEAD

All 56 states and territories have released for comment their Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment proposals.

12 Days: For State Broadband Offices, 2023 Was All About BEAD
Illustration by DALL-E

December 26, 2023 – The Infrastructure, Investment and Jobs Act’s landmark $42.5 billion broadband expansion effort was front and center in the broadband world in 2023. 

The Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment program got closer to breaking ground as maps were finalized, allocations were made, and states got to work drafting and refining their proposals for implementing the program.

The 12 Days of Broadband 2023 (click to open)

Mapping was a central concern early in the year, as states pushed the Federal Communications Commission for more time to contest its coverage data. The commission had released the initial version of its broadband map in November 2022, and the updated version would be used by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to determine relative need among states and territories and make final BEAD allocations.

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