Broadband Live
Broadband Breakfast on March 27, 2024 – Generative AI and Congressional Action
How might regulation of artificial intelligence factor into the national storyline?
Will Rinehart is a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and author of the Techne newsletter at The Dispatch.
Broadband Live
How might regulation of artificial intelligence factor into the national storyline?
Most are underweighting the legal challenges and problems to rule of law.
A number of organizations tracked allocations under the IIJA prior to the announcement of state BEAD allocations
A new county-level data and maps will help researchers and leaders understand impacts of the EBB program.
Democratic leadership in both the House and Senate recently released a plan for broadband deployment that would spend $40 billion in taxpayer money in an effort to get everyone online. Like many other proposals of this nature, however, it lacks in the very specifics that are so important in broadban