Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition Defends Universal Service

Beyond legal battles, SHLB will push for swift broadband expansion and sustainable digital opportunity efforts

Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition Defends Universal Service
Photo of John Windhausen, executive director of SHLB

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2025 – With the Universal Service Fund facing a legal threat at the Supreme Court, the Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition was ramping up its efforts to protect the critical broadband funding source.

The SHLB coalition, serving as an intervenor in the case, has made USF defense a top priority in its 2025 policy agenda released this week, alongside broadband deployment and digital equity initiatives.

“The future of the $8.5 billion Universal Service Fund, which supports broadband access in schools, libraries, and rural communities, currently hangs in the balance as the Consumers’ Research case moves forward in the Supreme Court,” the report stated.

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