Social Media
Supreme Court Sends Back Challenges to State Social Media Laws
Justices did not rule on the merits of the cases, but made clear they think the laws were unlikely to survive.
Social Media
Justices did not rule on the merits of the cases, but made clear they think the laws were unlikely to survive.
Net Neutrality
The decision could have a big impact on two pending cases involving the Federal Communications Commission, including net neutrality.
Free Speech
In a 6-3 decision, the majority found that the plaintiffs lacked standing.
Section 230
Panelists discussed the recent oral arguments in Gonzalez v. Google.
Social Media
Many of the arguments in Twitter v. Taamneh hinged on specific interpretations of the Anti-Terrorism Act.
Section 230
During oral arguments for Gonzalez v. Google, justices repeatedly voiced concerns about potential unintended consequences.
Section 230
The decision resulted in an unusual court split. Justice Kagan sided with Justice Alito but refused to sign his dissent.
Biden signs order banning investments in 59 Chinese companies, Nigeria bans Twitter, top court rules on hacking.
October 23, 2020 — Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee boycotted Thursday’s executive meeting, during which the committee, led by a Republican majority, advanced Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to be a justice on the Supreme Court. Additionally, the committee voted to authorize subpo