Blockchain Experts Debate Just How Much Internet Needs to Change
Congressional Internet Caucus panelists split over how prepared the internet is for changes from new technologies.
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Congressional Internet Caucus panelists split over how prepared the internet is for changes from new technologies.
At MIO, we’re well aware that broadband isn’t being used to its full potential because not enough of the right people know what it is or what it can do for them. And since they don’t know what they’re missing, they’re not asking policymakers or the companies that provide broadband to make it more ac
Net Neutrality
WASHINGTON, November 25, 2009 – The rhetoric surrounding whether the Federal Communications Commission should move forward with rules to regulate internet access to support the principle of network neutrality took on new legs this week when a government official – a former top policy official at Goo
Net Neutrality
WASHINGTON, November 22, 2009 – Speakers at a telecommunications law conference held last week touched on the importance of having unfiltered access to the Internet around the world. “The freedom of speech implies a freedom of access,” said Jeremie Zimmermann, co-founder of La Quadrature Du Net. “T