Association Urges FCC to Wait for BEAD Allocation Before 5G Fund Auction
Stakeholders are pushing for the 5G Fund auction to be postponed until after all BEAD subgrantee awards are finalized.
Stakeholders are pushing for the 5G Fund auction to be postponed until after all BEAD subgrantee awards are finalized.
Advocates propose merging digital discrimination reporting requirements with existing Broadband Data Collection.
A leaked email from a company exec revealed that the false data was a deliberate attempt to prevent competitors from accessing government grants earmarked for broadband expansion in the region.
Stakeholders are pushing for adjustments to the 5G Fund as the FCC proposes a $9 billion revival.
Only a single public institution provided feedback on ways the FCC’s broadband data collection initiative could be improved.
The task force, mandated by the 2018 Farm Bill, pushed both the FCC and USDA on mapping and subsidies.
The commission would increase its standard to 100 * 20 Mbps.
Comments on the $1.5B fund are due January 27, 2023.
The BEAD timeline looms large for many who worry that two months is insufficient time to correct the map.
Broadband Mapping and Data
Critics said that no one knows how thoroughly the map’s inaccuracies can be corrected before BEAD allocations must be made.
Some third parties are wondering about the terms on which they will be able to access the FCC’s mapping fabric.
From 477
Crowdsourced and bulk data are subject to a challenge process that has successfully eliminated crowdsourced data in the past.
Thursday is the deadline for providers to file their broadband availability data for FCC maps in the Broadband Data Collection.
Service providers must submit their data by early autumn to be included in the agency’s upcoming national broadband map.
WISPA holds first trade show in two years, which touched upon broadband infrastructure, mapping, spectrum and other topics.
September 21 – When it comes to broadband, the state of Maine is doing a lot with a little in order to keep a big promise.