Public Safety
Regulators, States, Private Sector Urge Solution to Child Safety Online
Two federal efforts aimed at protecting children online have stalled as Congress went on a six-week recess without a vote.
Public Safety
Two federal efforts aimed at protecting children online have stalled as Congress went on a six-week recess without a vote.
GOP delegates want AI threats taken seriously, despite Trump’s softer approach to the technology
Should a federal privacy law pre-empt state laws?
There is concern that an FTC focused on ‘big is bad’ will stunt economic growth in the future.
Tech orgs sue Florida for social media bill, Verizon wants focus on affordability, Facebook allows man-made virus posts.
Brian Whitacre, an agricultural economics professor at Oklahoma State University, and Roberto Gallardo, director of the Purdue Center for Regional Development, recently published a report entitled, “State broadband policy: Impacts on availability.” In the report, the researchers assess the impacts o
Section 230
June 17, 2020 — Conversations around the removal or revision of Section 230 are often fraught with treacherous implications for free speech online, said participants in a Wednesday Lincoln Network webinar. Panelists discussed an NBC News report from Tuesday, which incorrectly claimed that Google’s a