Broadband Live
Students Should Limit Screen Time, Panel Hears
Experts suggest a combination of active activities and group projects.
Broadband Live
Experts suggest a combination of active activities and group projects.
COVID-19 ushered in a transformative era of online education.
March 24, 2021 – Educators must come up with ways to enhance the online learning experience or students will end up suffering from “Zoom fatigue” and falling behind, the Broadband Breakfast live event heard Wednesday. David Weinberger, senior researcher at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet
Broadband Breakfast Live Online: Broadband and the Coronavirus on Friday, March 13, 2020. Follow upcoming Live Online events, see Broadband Breakfast Live Online Will Stream Daily in March on ‘Broadband and the Coronavirus’ Guests included: Jon Bernstein, President, Bernstein Strategy Group Charles
WASHINGTON, March 13, 2020 – New panelists have been added for the webcast launch of Broadband Breakfast Live Online on Friday, March 13, at 12 Noon ET. This first of three-part FREE webcast series focusing on how broadband can address the novel coronavirus, and the COVID-19 disease. Joining the pan
WASHINGTON, March 12, 2020 – Although countless universities and school districts are shutting their doors to students and turning to online schooling during the outbreak of the coronavirus, education experts say the move to online classes is a reactionary, not a robust adoption of online resources.
WASHINGTON, March 12, 2020 – Broadband Breakfast announced the launch of Broadband Breakfast Live Online, a three-part FREE webcast series focusing on how broadband can address the novel coronavirus, and the COVID-19 disease that the World Health Organization on Wednesday declared a pandemic. The fi
Broadband's Impact
WASHINGTON, May 15, 2012 – The increasing prevalence on high-speed internet is beginning to have a major effort on universities and they way that they approach the creation and dissemination of the “content” created in higher education, said panelists speaking at a special event of BroadbandBreakfas