12 Days of Broadband
A Year of Challenges for the Universal Service Fund
In 2024, USF encountered widespread calls for reforms to ensure its sustainability and effectiveness.
12 Days of Broadband
In 2024, USF encountered widespread calls for reforms to ensure its sustainability and effectiveness.
The outcome could affect millions who depend on the USF for affordable communication services.
GOP Commissioner Nathan Simington said he would dissent from every forfeiture without a change in procedure.
Consumers’ Research
Consumers’ Research lost in the Sixth Circuit and lost in the Eleventh Circuit. Last Monday, the Supreme Court declined to review those decisions.
A conservative nonprofit argued the Fifth Circuit is likely to create conflicting precedent.
The Sixth Circuit struck down another similar petition from Consumers’ Research.
The USF is facing dwindling funds and pending court challenges.
A rehearing of the case means that the full court will reconsider the case and the previous ruling is vacated.