FCC Inspector General Suspects Providers of Improperly Taking Subsidies
The agency’s Office of the Inspector General said providers were still paid for un-enrolled subscribers.
What impact does high-speed internet have on people's lives?
The agency’s Office of the Inspector General said providers were still paid for un-enrolled subscribers.
The nonprofit Connect and Literacy Fund is planning to increase ACP adoption in Mississippi.
Consulting firm Brattle Group said in a report the move would be economically sound.
Comcast, Conexon, and Cox received $247 million in Florida broadband grants.
Feedback could help Tribes improve future funding applications and expand broadband infrastructure.
Convicts are given transferable hard and soft skills in the system, says expert.
House Judiciary
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan cited an incident where he said Khan engaged in ‘targeted harassment’.
Broadband's Impact
The bills go to the full committee for votes.
Senate Commerce
Republican senators vote “no” for Starks and Gomez.
Broadband's Impact
The Broadband Quality Experience Delivered initiative helps provide seamless broadband connectivity so that applications can work together optimally.
The 100 Megabits per second download * 20 Mbps upload does not satisfy needs in rural areas, said panelists.
Broadband's Impact
Dr. Tamarah Holmes, Director of the Office of Broadband for the Commonwealth of Virginia, on program.
Broadband's Impact
Providers are using revenues from the ACP to bankroll broadband buildouts.
Lack of assurance regarding the ACP funding discourages local governments and providers from investing into the program.
Programs like the ACP and technologies like fixed wireless can play a key role in connecting older adults.
There can be no standardization of digital equity approaches, agree panelists.