U.S. Losing Ground on Making Global Privacy Mark Without Federal Rules
The EU has sweeping privacy rules in place that could further influence global companies, as U.S. still without unified legislation.
The EU has sweeping privacy rules in place that could further influence global companies, as U.S. still without unified legislation.
New Hampshire state legislature is in the works of forming a bill authorizing multi-town districts for the purpose of establishing a broadband system, Government Technology reports. Although the bill has yet to be finished, said State Sen. Jeanne Dietsch, its framework will help the smallest towns t
Broadband's Impact
ASPEN, August 17, 2015 – The Technology Policy Institute’s Aspen 2015 Forum [https://techpolicyinstitute.org/aspen2015/agenda] opened here on Sunday night with a focus on the increasing prominence that cybersecurity threats play in core national defense matters. “A greater and greater percentage of
WASHINGTON, July 1, 2011 – The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee assembled Wednesday its third hearing this legislative session on data privacy and security. In a hearing rushed so that members could make it to the Senate floor in time to vote, members and witnesses from governm