Second Circuit
ISPs Ask Supreme Court to Strike Down N.Y. Affordable Broadband Law
The state's attorney general agreed not to enforce the law while the Supreme Court reviews their request.
Whether broadband providers may prioritize delivery of bits by the entities they own is a divisive topic.
Second Circuit
The state's attorney general agreed not to enforce the law while the Supreme Court reviews their request.
Net Neutrality
'Because the broadband providers have shown that they are likely to succeed on the merits and that the equities support them, we grant the stay,' the court said.
marsha blackburn
Net Neutrality rules were set before key deadline, religious broadcasting group says
Net Neutrality
The longtime Net Neutrality foe filed a joint resolution to nullify the FCC’s new regulations.
Sixth Circuit
'The FCC’s decision to treat the $150 billion broadband industry as a public utility is a question of vast economic and political significance," the ISPs said.
Communications Act.
'It is solely the Supreme Court’s prerogative to reconsider or overrule its own precedents,' FCC says.
'The FCC is order is hereby temporarily stayed until August 5, 2024,' the court said.
Advanced Energy
The idea behind 'Made in America' is to combine reindustrialization, national security, reviving left-behind places, cheering up blue-collar workers and reducing carbon emissions.
GOP lawmakers and commissioners aired grievances with several agency actions.
Sixth Circuit
FCC wants Sixth Circuit to reject ISPs' attempt to block net neutrality rules.
Judge says Congress did not authorize the FTC to ban non-compete agreements.
Potentially fiery hearing slated for July 9.
Sixth Circuit
Ahead of a stay ruling, Sixth Circuit asks for briefs on impact of the demise of the Chevron Doctrine.
Randy May
The decision could have a big impact on two pending cases involving the Federal Communications Commission, including net neutrality.
Big Tech
‘It’s a conversation I think we should be having,’ FCC Chairwoman says
Sixth Circuit
The groups worry a future Republican FCC would be less interested in defending the rules.