Digital Inclusion
ISPs Press Supreme Court to Reconsider N.Y. Internet Affordability Law
In a rare Supreme Court rehearing bid, ISPs argued the law was causing harm.
Digital Inclusion
In a rare Supreme Court rehearing bid, ISPs argued the law was causing harm.
12 Days of Broadband
States, cities, and private providers led the charge as federal broadband affordability efforts falter.
Digital Inclusion
Industry groups are asking the Supreme Court to strike down the law.
Second Circuit
Says high court should allow N.Y. to enforce the Affordable Broadband Act, which requires 25 Mbps for $15/month or 200 Mbps for $20/month
Second Circuit
It's possible the ISPs will ask the FCC to preempt the New York law
The court upheld a New York law mandating cheaper plans for low-income subscribers.