No 'Scam' Dunk: Help Older Adults Avoid Fraud and Scams
Losses due to scams continue to increase with adoption of high-speed internet.
Read up on Energy and Data Centers for the Data Center Summit on March 27
Losses due to scams continue to increase with adoption of high-speed internet.
Wall Street Journal
It is downright shocking that millions of low-income older adults will lose their broadband connection due to uncertainty of funding.
Bringing broadband to those who need it the most requires more than just government funding for network expansion.
The COVD-19 pandemic has been an extremely difficult time for everyone and has led to the implementation of major changes in our daily behaviors. In order to overcome this adversity and adapt to living in a new age, great innovations have been advanced. New tech devices and programs have offered man
WASHINGTON, May 15, 2012 – BroadbandBreakfast.com released the video of the May Broadband Breakfast Club, “What Lessons Are We Learning in Getting Older Americans Online” at BroadbandBreakfast.com’s monthly breakfast and panel discussion. This event of the Broadband Breakfast Club was produced in co
Broadband's Impact
DALLAS, April 28, 2011 – One Economy CEO, Kelley Dunne, and representatives from AT&T delivered a joint keynote address at the Broadband Properties Summit on Tuesday, touting the power of broadband to facilitate the innovation economy and empower minority populations. “I believe [broadband] is chan