Sixth Circuit
Tech Think Tanks Fighting N.Y. Broadband Law in Supreme Court
Public Knowledge says Second Circuit 'got it right.'
Sixth Circuit
Public Knowledge says Second Circuit 'got it right.'
The group has been working to modernize the fund for more than a year.
Fifth Circuit
A Fifth Circuit Court decision threatens funding of the $8.1 billion subsidy program
The Molaks also have a petition for reconsideration pending before the FCC.
The Fourth Circuit threw out a $1 billion penalty against the ISP, but upheld a verdict that found the company liable.
Second Circuit
Broadband providers say Title I of the Communications Act preempts state rate regulation.
A recent Fifth Circuit decision conflicts with other federal court rulings, making a Supreme Court review likely.
Chevron Doctrine
'The Supreme Court’s overturning of Chevron undermines our government’s ability to promote worker safety, ensure clean air and water, and protect consumers,' said Sen. Warren.
Consumers’ Research
The court held yesterday that the $8 billion subsidy program was unconstitutional.
Sixth Circuit
'The FCC’s decision to treat the $150 billion broadband industry as a public utility is a question of vast economic and political significance," the ISPs said.
Communications Act.
'It is solely the Supreme Court’s prerogative to reconsider or overrule its own precedents,' FCC says.
Social Media
Justices did not rule on the merits of the cases, but made clear they think the laws were unlikely to survive.
Eighth Circuit
The decision could have a big impact on two pending cases involving the Federal Communications Commission, including net neutrality.
Fifth Circuit
In a 6-3 decision, the majority found that the plaintiffs lacked standing.
An AT&T subsidiary argues it should not be subject to higher penalties for false remibursement claims.
11 Th Circuit
A conservative advocacy group has been challenging the $8 billion fund in court.