WISPs Can do More Than Increase Speed to Improve Experience: Experts
Capacity planning and different congestion algorithms can improve users’ experience without adding speed.
Read up on Energy and Data Centers for the Data Center Summit on March 27
WISPA – Broadband Without Boundaries, is a trade association formerly known as the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association.
Capacity planning and different congestion algorithms can improve users’ experience without adding speed.
Advocacy on high-cost thresholds could help fixed wireless providers get BEAD funds.
The group’s policy heads said they are advocating to include unlicensed wireless.
An executive order bans the federal government from using spyware deployed for human rights abuses.
Prioritizing fiber builds will increase cost and deployment time, says WISPA report.
Aiken was previously the president and CEO of the Wireless Internet Service Provers Association.
Advocates say strict compliance requirements may economically harm small providers.
Aiken helped elevate the profile of the wireless association in Washington.
Broadband Mapping and Data
Broadband providers must now create “broadband nutrition labels” which list pricing and speed information.
At our October 13, 2021, event, we’ll discuss trends toward hybrid technology and government grants by WISPs.
Broadband Live
The Las Vegas trade show Wispapalooza 2021 is back from October 11-October 14, 2021, and it’s bigger than ever.
Breakfast Club
Broadband Breakfast Live Online on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 – Broadband, the Coronavirus and Keep America Connected” Pledge. Follow upcoming Live Online events, see Broadband Breakfast Live Online Will Stream Daily in March on ‘Broadband and the Coronavirus’ Guests for this event: Claude Aiken, CEO,
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently issued a Public Notice seeking comment on procedures for the auction of Public Access Licenses (PALs) in the 3550-3650 MHz (3.5 GHz) band. The auction is scheduled for June 25, 2020. Comments are due by October 28, 2019, and reply comments are due
WASHINGTON, July 30, 2019 — Closing the digital divide will require a multifaceted long-term solution, and better broadband maps are an essential step towards getting there, said panelists at a discussion hosted by New York Law School and the Federal Communications Bar Association on Tuesday. Indian
About 80 million Americans in unserved or underserved locations could receive gigabit broadband access through spectrum sharing.
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON, June 20, 2019 – In tackling the nettlesome question of improving broadband mapping, the telecom industry group US Telecom on Thursday showcased recent progress in their pilot program to better detect broadband serviceability. The discussion on a 45-minute webinar focused on how the initi