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Telecom Italia to Expand Wireless Trial

WASHINGTON August 11, 2010- Telecom Italia has announced it will expand its testing of the Long Term Evolution technology, a fourth-generation wireless broadband standand, and which promises to provide speeds of up to 140 MBits.

WASHINGTON August 11, 2010- Telecom Italia has announced it will expand its LTE testing. The proposed network will provide speeds of up to 140MBits. The tests will occur in the city of Turin and will involve the creation of 17 new 4G sites.

Map of Italy

Image via Wikipedia

“We want TIM’s mobile network to remain the best in terms of quality and performance. That is why we are continuing to invest in technology and services,” said Oscar Cicchetti, Director Technology & Operations, Telecom Italia. “LTE represents a major step forward enabling us to provide 100 Mbit/s connections, but progresses in 3G technology will already allow us to offer our mobile Internet customers higher speeds over the coming months.”

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