A New Broadband Policy Agenda for Schools, Health and Library ‘Anchor Institutions’

January 22, 2021—The Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition released its 2021 Policy Roadmap on Thursday—an agenda to promote open, affordable, high-quality broadband to anchor institutions—as these establishments are key to connecting the estimated 42 million Americans without internet acc

A New Broadband Policy Agenda for Schools, Health and Library ‘Anchor Institutions’
Photo of students using computers at the Howard-Tilton Library of Tulane University, used with permission from Tulane Public Relations.

January 22, 2021—The Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition released its 2021 Policy Roadmap on Thursday—an agenda to promote open, affordable, high-quality broadband to anchor institutions—as these establishments are key to connecting the estimated 42 million Americans without internet access today. The report, released one day after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, makes nine broadband policy recommendations to the incoming administration.

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