FCC Says New Pole Attachment Rules Are in Effect
To reduce conflicts between utilities and Internet access providers, new rules will be implemented for pole attachments.
Taormina Falsitta

WASHINGTON, July 29, 2024 – A federal agency said last Friday that new rules designed to speed broadband deployment have gone into effect.
The announcement was made by the Federal Communications Commission’s Wireline Competition Bureau regarding new rules that are intended to assist Internet Service Providers that need to attach their wires and other facilities to utility poles owned by various third parties.
The FCC hopes the rules will accelerate wireline broadband deployment by addressing infrastructure barriers.
The rules established the Rapid Broadband Assessment Team or RBAT to address pole attachment disputes quickly and provide information to communications providers about the utility poles they plan to use.
To reduce potential hurdles arising under the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program run by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the RBAT will be available to resolve disputes between utility and telecommunications companies that could hold up broadband deployments.
The FCC’s rules were adopted on Dec. 13, 2023 and approved by the Office of Management and Budget on July 2, 2024 for three years.
The FCC’s rules require that communications providers be given detailed information about the status of the utility poles they plan to use for their broadband builds to help Internet access providers plan their projects more efficiently and avoid delays.
Separately, on Monday, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced his agency's intent to solicit grant applications for the Texas Broadband Pole Replacement Program.
The Pole Replacement Program provides reimbursement funds to eligible applicants to expedite the deployment of broadband to individuals in rural areas. Eligible applicants for reimbursement are pole owners and retail broadband service providers that have incurred costs for replacing poles in eligible areas to affix qualifying broadband facilities.
After reviewing the proposal, potential applicants will have until 2 p.m. on Aug. 9, 2024, to submit questions and request clarifying information about the solicitation. All questions pertaining to the NOFA must be submitted to bdo.polesnofa@cpa.texas.gov before the deadline.
Editor's note: This story has been updated to reflect a Texas pole replacement program.