Massachusetts Institute to Celebrate Digital Inclusion Week

Group to host first digital inclusion event on Oct. 9th

Massachusetts Institute to Celebrate Digital Inclusion Week
Photo by Marvin Meyer

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2024 –The Massachusetts Broadband Institute will host its first digital inclusion event on Oct. 9 to celebrate Digital Inclusion Week, which runs from Oct. 7-11.

The Massachusetts Broadband Institute, based in Westborough, Mass., works with state and federal legislators as well as broadband providers to help close the digital divide in the state. 

Its mission is to make affordable high-speed Internet available to all homes, businesses, schools, libraries, medical facilities, government offices, and other public places across the Commonwealth.

Digital Inclusion Week is an annual event intended to raise awareness and recognition for underserved communities. MBI’s special week is also designed to focus attention on the digital divide and consider ways to bridge it.

This year's forum, called Celebrating Digital Equity in Massachusetts: A Forum for Innovation and Collaboration, is new feature and will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m, in Worcester, Mass.

For this year's event, the MBI partnered with the Columbus Ohio-based National Digital Inclusion Alliance to highlight their collective mission to bring internet to all citizens of Massachusetts.

The NDIA advocates for public policy that encourages digital equity and inclusion strategies.

“We’re living in a pivotal time for digital inclusion action. More resources than ever are available now and will continue to be released to support digital inclusion work,” said NDIA Training and Community Engagement Manager Pamela Rosales.

MBI will cap the event with the ‘Digital Inclusion Awards’ – where leaders in digital equity leadership, innovation, and community impact will be identified and honored in connection with their work to bring broadband internet access to all Americans.

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