Op-Ed Chastises App Bill, Arizona Seeks Broadband Guidance, Verizon Expands 5G
American Enterprise Institute fellow says app bill could harm, Arizona looking at broadband speeds, Verizon 5G expansion.

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American Enterprise Institute fellow says app bill could harm, Arizona looking at broadband speeds, Verizon 5G expansion.
August 16, 2021 – A Senate bill introduced Wednesday to ban app store operators from requiring third-party app providers to use their stores will damage the app economy and consumers, according to a Monday American Enterprise Institute op-ed.
The former BEAD director urged stakeholders to speak up againstr changes to the program that might be disruptive.
New contribution factor will apply in the second quarter of 2025
Virginia reports 91% end-to-end fiber proposals received in first funding round.
Introduced in response to January ruling striking down federal net neutrality