Partnerships Likely to Be Deciding Factor in State Distribution of BEAD Funds, Say Experts
State and federal broadband policy experts agreed that partnerships would be instrumental to spending $42.5 billion in broadband funds.

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State and federal broadband policy experts agreed that partnerships would be instrumental to spending $42.5 billion in broadband funds.
KEYSTONE, Colo., June 7, 2022 – Public employees working at the state and federal level to distribute $42.5-billion available through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment program said during a panel at the Mountain Connect 2022 Conference in May that applicants who prioritize meaningful partnerships will be more successful in their pursuit of funding.
The former BEAD director urged stakeholders to speak up againstr changes to the program that might be disruptive.
New contribution factor will apply in the second quarter of 2025
Virginia reports 91% end-to-end fiber proposals received in first funding round.
Introduced in response to January ruling striking down federal net neutrality