Dish Reiterates Need for Full Three-Year Phase-out of Sprint Network
Supply chain issues are impacting Dish’s ability to bring on new customers, company says.
Supply chain issues are impacting Dish’s ability to bring on new customers, company says.
Broadband Breakfast, in person and for lunch, heard about the possibilities with spectrum sharing and combining technologies for coverage.
Virginia’s $700 million toward broadband, T-Mobile accused of lying about ending 3G services, and is accused of not paying tax.
AT&T will no longer support 3G networks by 2022, Iowa’s broadband bill, Mayor de Blasio ending distance learning.
It’s no secret that the Federal Communications Commission’s current broadband maps are flawed, many observers believe. The existing maps rely on industry-reported data that overstates broadband availability and prevents underserved communities from obtaining broadband funding. Consequently, many rur
5G Wireless
November 16, 2020 — “5G has capabilities that are far beyond being only for consumers,” said Hans Vestberg, CEO of Verizon. “5G offers eight additional capabilities, some of which are only for industry.” “On 4G, you can connect 100,000 devices per square kilometer,” he said at Axios event on Tuesday
On Monday, NASA and Finnish telecommunications firm Nokia announced plans to build a 4G cellular network on the moon. The project, for which Nokia will be paid $14.1 million, aims to create the lunar communications infrastructure necessary for voice and video calls, data transmission, robotic contro
Oracle won the bid for TikTok in the United States sector, beating out big competitors like Microsoft. Because Microsoft shared a similar audience to TikTok and was planning to partner with Walmart, Microsoft “was widely seen as the likeliest American company to acquire [TikTok].”Because Oracle has
June 11, 2020 — The Federal Communications Commission’s Security, Reliability and Interoperability Council voted to accept recommendations addressing how vulnerabilities of 5G infrastructure might impact the integrity and confidentiality of wireless networks Wednesday. Lee Thibaudeau, chair of Worki
The federal government has always been one of the largest consumers of broadband and that has become especially true with the transition of most federal workers to a telework status. The federal government continues an upward trajectory as guidelines and budgets push for a digital transformation tha
February 5, 2013 – Now that I’ve had a chance to read the front-page Washington Post story on so-called “Super Wi-Fi,” I have to confess to being extremely disappointed in the Post. Like many others, I was taken in on an allegedly new development repackaged in an exaggerated fashion. It is another r
X (Twitter)
WASHINGTON, January 24, 2013 – Whenever a large gathering commences, chances are that, in addition to cramped quarters and long lines, the influx will also mean a major increase in the number of cell phones, laptops and other Wi-Fi dependent devices. As when on January 21, 2013, President Barack Oba
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2011- Both AT&T and Verizon taken steps to to deploy their 4G LTE networks in recent months, with Sprint and T-Mobile heavily advertising their existing 4G technologies. With rampant speculation regarding the iPhone 5 industry watchers have predicted that consumers would be clam
New America
WASHINGTON, June 17, 2011 – In the past year, there has been an extensive push for universal access to Internet, seen as the ultimate democratizing tool enabling two-way communication between governors and the governed. But the reality of a ‘digital divide’ leaves the majority of the world’s populat
In order for the Federal Communications Commission to approve the mega-merger between AT&T and T-Mobile, AT&T has to make a showing that the merger is in the public interest. Despite AT&T’s declaration that this merger is the most pro-consumer, pro-innovation and pro-investment solution to America’s
WASHINGTON, June 2, 2011 – The Subcommittee on Communications and Technology explored legislation Wednesday that would encourage the voluntary participation of broadcast companies and wireless providers in spectrum auctions. “There is a looming spectrum crisis, and we must get additional spectrum i