States Must Be the Truth Arbiters of Broadband Coverage, Say Experts
In a Fiber Broadband Association webinar, consultants, mappers and ISPs said states must verify broadband coverage.
On March 27, Data Center Summit for $195; Webinar option for $95
In a Fiber Broadband Association webinar, consultants, mappers and ISPs said states must verify broadband coverage.
One of the most helpful things a state broadband director can do for themselves is pick up the phone.
Montana’s chief data officer believes 2026 is too early for state mapping to be completed and funding requests submitted.
December 23, 2020 — The last five years have boasted massive strides towards closing the urban-rural broadband and utilities divide, according to individuals speaking at Fiber Connect in December. In the last fiscal year alone, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service delivered a