Experts Debate Incentive Auctions at Brookings
WASHINGTON May 6, 2011 -The Brookings Institution gathered key industry and government experts Thursday to discuss how solve the impending spectrum crunch through voluntary incentive auctions.
Early Bird Registration for 'Data Centers, Nuclear Power and Broadband' Extended to Feb. 28, 2025
WASHINGTON May 6, 2011 -The Brookings Institution gathered key industry and government experts Thursday to discuss how solve the impending spectrum crunch through voluntary incentive auctions.
WASHINGTON March 2, 2011 – Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies held a panel on Wednesday on how the federal government should promote broadband adoption and access to underserved communities. The panel served as an update the National Broadband Plan, which came out one year ago.
WASHINGTON, August 20, 2009 – One of the largest challenges in developing a national broadband plan will be to find out who has it, who doesn’t and what it is used for, said Consumer Research Director John Horrigan in his opening remarks at an FCC staff workshop.
WASHINGTON, June 5, 2009 – With Broadband being a keystone aspect of President Obama’s economic policies, it is important to understand where America’s broadband deployment and adoption rates stand internationally, a panel of experts agreed on Friday.
Net Neutrality
SAN JOSE, November 7 – Emboldened by their summertime victory against Comcast, advocates of network neutrality said Thursday that the next front in battle for the principle would be against wireless carriers who make “unreasonable” network management decisions.
June 14 – Critics and proponents of Network Neutrality squaring off on the topic on Friday agreed that recent actions by both cable and wireless providers had had re-vivified the debate about the topic.