EU’s Digital Services Act May Be a Model for the United States
The Digital Services Act imposes transparency requirements and other accountability measures for tech platforms.
The Digital Services Act imposes transparency requirements and other accountability measures for tech platforms.
The SEC will add industry offices that are focused on crypto assets, and industrial applications and services.
‘The environment is just fundamentally different than it was even just a decade ago… it is time to confront reality.’
American Innovation and Choice Online Act is intended to protect fair competition among businesses, but panelists differed on its impact.
Dish enlists Samsung for 5G deployment.
A report from Google found the company’s technology was being harnessed in Russian attempts to hack allies of Ukraine.
Broadband Now published a report showing internet in parts of Ukraine slowed during the Russian invasion.
Meta and Google face allegations that they coordinated advertising practices to lock out their competition.
Experts say a lack of privacy policy in the U.S. could lead to uncoordinated efforts to lead international cooperation.
The NTIA unveils new broadband map, a new cybersecurity bill against equipment buys, U.S. and EU partner on tech council.
This was not the first time Darth Vader strode into a council chamber, but this time he had positive news.
New York sued over $15 internet, Apple faces EU antitrust allegations, California surveys conclude, and 5G device adoption grows.
Associations want inclusion in infrastructure plan, BroadbandNow report on state of broadband, and report says U.S. leads EU on broadband.
Verizon is expanding 5G in California and Texas, the U.S. and E.U. see differently on facial tech, FAA drone rules.
February 8, 2021 – When sharing content in any form, publishers need to understand the legality and impact of the content may have on foreigners, especially given the European Union’s privacy law, a panel of experts concluded at a Tuesday conference hosted by the American Bar Association. The comple
Congress included a trio of notable and hotly debated intellectual property measures in its multi-trillion-dollar spending and relief package that it passed this week. The intellectual property portion of the legislation includes the Protect Lawful Streaming Act, the Copyright Alternative in Small-C