Broadband's Impact
CLIC, AAPB and Broadband Breakfast Host Super Session on Community Broadband Initiatives on May 1
Brought to you by the Coalition for Local Internet Choice, the American Association for Public Broadband and Broadband Breakfast.
What impact does high-speed internet have on people's lives?
Broadband's Impact
Brought to you by the Coalition for Local Internet Choice, the American Association for Public Broadband and Broadband Breakfast.
Broadband's Impact
Continuing Legal Education credit is available for the workshop, pending individual state approval.
Broadband's Impact
Engaging local communities can build trust, which is an important factor in increasing adoption.
The lengthy grant application process can be a barrier for Tribes with limited resources.
Expert Opinion
Why have internet prices remained constant while demand surges? It all boils down to investment.
Broadband's Impact
‘Listen to the customer’ is a fundamental pillar in gaining a satisfied customer.
Tribal leaders and citizens must gather data ‘on a scale large enough to ensure that Tribal nations receive’ funding.
The current surge of broadband funding presents opportunities as well as challenges.
Expert Opinion
There is a perennial policy debate over why the digital divide exists and what to do about it.
Sen. Mark Warner said last month he is working to pass a companion bill by year’s end.
The FCC also mandated that internet service provider labels be machine-readable.
Expert Opinion
18% of people living on Tribal lands lack broadband access, compared to 4% of residents in non-tribal areas.
Alabama, Colorado, New Mexico, New York, Kansas and Pennsylvania had broadband-related measures on the ballot.
Almost all of Berke’s work seems to be about making a difference for higher-quality broadband.
To deploy the infrastructure itself, states must focus on user buy-in as well as network deployment.
‘You need to get a little better about talking to and listening to native communities,” the chairman told the FCC.