American Library Association Concerned With Burdensome Infrastructure Bill Reporting Requirements
The organization is concerned that access to federal money will come with burdensome reporting.
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The organization is concerned that access to federal money will come with burdensome reporting.
The plan addresses availability and adoption of a high-speed internet connection for disadvantaged communities.
The registration comes after the company rebranded to Meta, taking it beyond its social media origins.
The White House is holding a signing ceremony for President Biden to sign the infrastructure bill into law.
Funds made available by the infrastructure bill will not need solid maps to make spending efficient, experts agree.
Raimondo said to expect relatively quick turnaround on broadband affordability and job creation, longer timeline on fiber buildouts.
Broadband Mapping and Data
And experts weigh in on the benefits of crowdsourcing data for better broadband maps.
Concern that pandemic only temporarily heightened broadband awareness in Washington.
Muninetworks.org has put together a handy overview of broadband programs – current and pending.
Joe Biden
Infrastructure bill could be up for vote Thursday, senators ask Biden to make Rosenworcel permanent FCC chair, JSI buys Mid-State.
Broadband money programs and a need for connectivity is driving capital into the space.
SiFi is getting an injection of funds to deliver open fiber to cities.
Panel with broadband and wireless industry lobbyists wrestle with need for symmetrical internet, and press for fiber.
Sen. Murray re-introduces bi-partisan that would provide grants to states pushing for digital equity.